Monday, May 14, 2012

Vision Forum organizes "Think Again" in Shanghai

Think Again – Shanghai and Hangzhou 21-28 May, 2012.

Vision Forum is proud to present a seven-day event in Shanghai and Hangzhou. Think Again is an interdisciplinary research project and brings together artists, curators, academics and inventors from Europe and China to reflect on the nature of creativity and how it can be encouraged and developed through international partnership.

Think Again takes many different forms:

-    Specially conceived artwork by Olav Westphalen will be shown at Mingshen Museum; by Chen Wei and Natasha Rosling at Fei Art Center.
-    Performances and presentations will take place at Rockbund Museum in collaboration with Shanghai University.
-    Talks and discussions will take place at other venues including The Art Academy in Hangzhou, Fei Art Center and 2666 Library.
-    The group will also carry out communal research in Shanghai Hangzhou and at Fei Art Center.

The sessions will touch on such diverse issues as new environmental technology, humour, new forms for meeting and living together, utopian architecture and finding new forms for art education and artistic research. But they are held together by a true ambition to understand and foster creation and also create platforms for better understanding between east and west.

The project is a collaboration between Linköpings Universitet and universities in Shanghai and Hangzhou. Participants include, Olafur Jonsson, Melanie Gilligan, Vincent Honoré, Per Hüttner, Wooloo (Anders Lichinger, Sixten Kai Nielsen, Martin Rosgaard,) William Rawlings, Natasha Rosling, Chen Wei, Olav Westphalen, Li Xiaofei
, Yang Zhifei, Doris Duanmu, Wang Dan, Gong Lilas and Science Fiction.

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